Field Longtext Pager


This module provides a field formatter for splitting large longtext field content into more readable indexed sub-pages as defined by page breaks or a number of characters, words, or HTML blocks.

It also provides additional optional display features:

  • Pager index field
  • Estimated reading time field
  • Ajax paging


Drupal 8.x or above.


Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit for further information.


To set module default settings, visit: SITE-URL/admin/config/content/field_longtext_pager

You must ensure that your text formats and editors allow your page break placeholder. Default is:
<!--pagebreak--> There are CKEditor modules to enable manual insertion.

To enable paging on your field visit the Manage display options in your entity field settings, i.e.: /admin/structure/types/manage/ENTITY-ID/display

Select the “Field pager” format option and choose your desired settings.

Ajax pager results currently use the “Full page” view to return results, falling back to the “Default” view when not found. Which is often the case with entities such as comments.

The pager IDs are automatically incremented from the setting defined in the field options when multiple entities using paged fields are displayed on the same page. Reserve your highest pager ID settings for your field in this scenario.

Technical description

The algorithms are designed to split complicated HTML markup smartly, i.e.:

<div class="text-important">
  <p class="info">
    Long content paragraph...
    Continuation of long content paragraph.
  <ul class="text-note">
    <li>List #1</li>
    <li>Long list #2...
      Continuation of long list #2</li>
    <li>List #3</li>

…into this:

<div class="text-important">
  <p class="info">
    Long content paragraph...
------------Page 1------------
<div class="text-important">
  <p class="info">
    Continuation of long content paragraph.
  <ul class="text-note">
    <li>List #1</li>
    <li>Long list #2...</li>
------------Page 2------------
<div class="text-important">
  <ul class="text-note">
    <li>Continuation of long list #2</li>
    <li>List #3</li>
------------Page 3------------ 


Please use the issue queue for filing bugs with this module at: